How to Help your Child with a Bully at School


Bullies can make school a scary place for your children. If your child is encountering a bully, there are some things you can do as a parent. Here are 10 ways you can help your child learn how to deal with a bully.

Talk About It

First, and most importantly, make you child talk about the situation. You need to know the details of this bullying issue to know how to best help them. You should ask questions, listen, and be available whenever your child wants or needs to talk. If they won’t open up to you, try having them talk to someone else they trust first, then allow yourself to ease into those conversations.

Don’t Bully Back

It’s very important to make sure your child knows not to fight fire with fire. Bullying back can be a kid’s instinct, but it will only make their situation worse. Explain to them what it means to “be the bigger person.” Teaching your child to treat everyone with respect and kindness will help to feel confident in the long-run.

Buddy Up

Teach your child the value of having one or two buddies who are willing to stand up for them at school. If they can’t seem to find any friends on their own or are having trouble telling their friends what they need, get together with a few of your friends and explain what’s happening to your child. They can proceed to explain to their children what it means to be a good friend, and then your kid will have some buddies to help him or her avoid scary situations at school.

Be Encouraging at Home

When your kid is being bullied at school, it’s crucial to make the house a happy place. We’re not saying that they never need to do chores or be punished if they act out, but make home a place they feel confident, respected, and loved. Make sure to compliment your child when they do something they enjoy or are proud of; boosting their ego a little at home can improve their bravery at school.

Make Sure It Isn’t Continuing Online

Cyberbullying is becoming increasingly popular, and you should look out for your child. If your child is being bullied at school and is at the age of using technology, it’s critical to make sure the bullying isn’t happening in the cyber world as well. They may hate you for it, but you should keep up with all their social profiles and messages — they’ll thank you in the long-run.


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