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Tag: metastatic colorectal cancer treatment

Symptoms Of Colon Cancer – What You Need To Know

Colon Cancer is the third most common cancer in men after lung and prostate cancer according to the reports from the National Cancer Institute....

The Causes of Colon Cancer

What Causes Colon Cancer? Colon cancer is the name given to cancer in the large intestine, usually resulting from the cells of the colon mutating...

Diagnosing Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is the development of cancer in the colon, or large intestine. It generally begins as small, noncancerous lumps, known as adenomatous polyps, that...

Colon Cancer Treatment Options

How is Colon Cancer Treated? Treatment for colon cancer depends upon the stage of the cancer when discovered. Initial screenings such as colonoscopies and sigmoidoscopies...

What you Should Know About Colon Cancer

Important Facts To Know About Colon Cancer The colon is considered as one of the most important parts of our digestive system. When the malignant...

The Stages of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer, or colorectal cancer, involves the growth of one or more tumors in the large intestine and rectum. As colorectal cancer is both...