How To Survive Being Laid Off From Your Job


There’s nobody who is immune to layoffs. Even with a well-established and thriving company in the booming industry, there are always internal changes that may lead to an undesirable reassignment or a layoff. There are certain times when you clearly see the writings on the wall. However, there are other times when the layoff comes as a complete shock. You might feel devastated, rejected and even unsure about yourself or your career. Fortunately, you can always recover from layoffs with preparation and the right attitude. In some instances, you may emerge from the career setback and manage to land a better position than ever before.

Layoffs are survivable. It is important to keep this fact in mind despite the initial circumstances. Being laid off does not mean the end of your life/ career. A lot of people have managed to move on or even move up in their career after having been laid off. After being laid off, there are people who have decided to take different directions in life. Below are 5 ways showing how to survive being laid off from your job:

  1. Adjust your attitude

If you haven’t already, then take a winning and positive attitude. Do not be tempted to spend all your valuable time complaining about how unfair life is. Be confident that you will always create a new strategy for success and also land in a superior position than what you previously had. Sometimes change presents itself at the most inopportune times. Let the situation turn out to be about empowerment instead of defeat. You should contact your most supportive and positive friends and/ or connections. These are the kinds of people who can inspire and encourage you.

  1. Create a goal as well as a plan

A layoff might just be a chance of reinventing yourself. Whether you choose to stay in your present occupation or even make a change, the new environment can inspire one to explore new opportunities or be more creative for development. You should research all the available possibilities, assess your skills before acknowledging and defining your goal. It’s not a goal till you manage to create an actionable plan that has a timeline. Do not delay this process, just create your goal and then plan today.

  1. Take good care of yourself

Being laid off from a job might be stressful and painful. This could affect your emotional and physical well-being, thus you should take good care of yourself. You ought to feed the mind with positive thoughts and the body with nutritious meals. Furthermore, make time to socialize and exercise. The little breaks that you take from job searching are very good for you!

  1. Enrich yourself

Identify and study the successful people within your target career. A good source for such types of researches is LinkedIn. What education, skills and certifications do they possess? You should also identify opportunities so as to gain knowledge and new skills to prepare yourself for the next job. Ongoing professional developments are a great idea at any stage of your career. Development is a very important part of overall career growth and planning. If you have not previously had the time to develop existing or new skills, then this is a great time to start with such effort. This will not only allow you to advance on your skills but it also keeps you occupied as you get on a new search for jobs.

                  1. Be persistent

Realize that you might not find a good job within one month. Depending on job markets, it might take several months. In the meantime, you can elect to be working in temporary positions or even start short-term businesses. Some people usually drive for Uber, tutor different students in mathematics or wait tables so as to pay the bills till they attain their specific goal. It is easy to get into the routine and take the foot off your job search pedal. You should keep up with the momentum of your job search and also be persistent so as to help you to move nearer to your goals.

Bottom Line

Losing a job might be a shock and it can also be one of the most difficult challenges that you face. You’ll recover more quickly in case you choose to accept the situation, think positively and then develop a good plan for the future. With an appropriate strategy, persistence and determination, you can always accomplish all the exciting new things.

Sourced from: sheknows

Photo: Thinkstock/Wavebreakmedia Ltd


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