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Tag: The Dangers Of Factitious Disorders

How To Deal With Treatment Resistant Depression

Before knowing how to deal with treatment-resistant depression, it is important to know what depression really is. It is true that every person gets...

11 Reasons Why Fat Shaming Affects Our Health

It seems like everyone is talking about fat these days. The news says that fat in our foods is making us unhealthy. Doctors and...

Debunking 8 Myths About Depression

Depression is something 1 out of every 10 Americans will experience at some point in their life. However, many ignore or misunderstand the signs...

Why A Vacation Is Good For Your Health

Can you remember when you last had a wonderful, relaxing vacation? If it has been a while, you may want to consider taking another...

Is There A Cure For Depression?

We all know someone who has suffered, or still is suffering from depression. While many underestimate the power of this disease, those who have...

Diagnosing and Treating Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental condition characterized by alternating periods of mania and depression. This disorder can be very serious and may result in...