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Getting an Artificial Intelligence Degree

The field of artificial intelligence is a highly specialized concentration within the larger computer science discipline. It is a cross-disciplinary degree program combining components...

Pre Paid Cell Phone Plans: The Pros and Cons

If you are trying to save money on your cell phone plan, changing to prepay or pay-as-you-go could be your best option. You only...

How to Find the Best Internet Provider For You

With the advent of technology, the internet has transformed from a medium to wireless and satellite connections. More and more companies are rolling out their...

Finding a Career in Computer Science

Computer science, simply put, is the study of computers and their function. However, since computers are such diverse tools with a wide range of...

Best Hosted VOIP Systems for Small Business

Implementing a hosted PBX VOIP system is one of the most effective ways to enhance effectiveness and save money for your company. But what...

Top Translator Apps for Each Language

Whether you’re attempting to learn a new language or you’re traveling to a foreign country that speaks a different language, a language translator app...

Understanding Data

Data is the plural form of the word “Datum,” which means “a single piece of information,” so data is commonly just defined as information....

How to Install a VoIP Business Phone Service

Have you thought of making the switch from standard phone lines to a Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone system? If so, chances are you probably...

Human Beings Out-Performing Robots On The Assembly Line

Robots are being replaced by humans, and this doesn’t exactly upset many people. You want to make sure that you are able to follow...

AI Programs: Where to Go to School

Undergraduate programs with a specific focus on AI are not as plentiful as graduate degree programs, but opportunities for a variety of degrees exist....