Beauty Products: 5 Ingredients to Avoid


Many women swear by the beauty products they use, but few women are aware of the ingredients used to make those products. Some of the chemicals in beauty products are incredibly harmful. Here are five ingredients found in beauty products that you should avoid at all costs.

1. Parabens

One extremely problematic ingredient often found in beauty products is parabens. This is added to extend the shelf life of beauty products like cosmetics and can be absorbed into the body through the skin. According to various human studies, there may be a link between paraben levels detected in urine and various health conditions, such as damage to sperm DNA, enhanced airborne and food allergies, and elevated stress hormones in pregnant mothers and newborns.

2. Phthalates

This ingredient is most often found in nail polish and synthetic fragrance but frequently shows up in other cosmetics as well. Just like parabens, phthalates are often added to cosmetics to serve as preservatives. Phthalates are known to disrupt many physiological functions. One study indicates that women with high levels of phthalates in their blood are more likely to get diabetes. Studies have shown links between phthalate blood levels and child obesity as well. It has also been linked to breast cancer, ADHD, decreased mental and motor development in children, and altered thyroid function.

3. Triclosan

Essentially, Triclosan is an antibiotic and can be found in deodorants, hand sanitizers, and sometimes even in toothpaste. While it is effective at killing bacteria and fungus, Triclosan is definitely not without its disadvantages. Triclosan is an incredibly resilient chemical. Therefore, it often ends up in our lakes, oceans, and drinking water. It has been linked to skin irritation, increased food allergies, asthma, eczema, fertility problems, birth defect, diminished thyroid production, and even cancer.

4. Fragrance

The problem with fragrances is the difficulty in determining the ingredients used in them. Generally, fragrance recipes are considered trade secrets, meaning companies don’t have to disclose the chemicals used to make them. It is perfectly legal for them to simply state “fragrance” on the ingredient list. Unfortunately, the majority of fragrances contain phthalates and synthetic musks. The latter of which can harm the ability of our cells to detoxify.

5. UV-Filtering Chemicals

While these chemicals have the benefit of blocking UV light, endocrine disruption is often associated with UV-filtering chemicals. These chemicals have been found to inhibit the action of thyroid enzymes and disrupt hormonal levels. Unfortunately, there are many harmful chemicals in some of the most popular beauty products. If you avoid products made with the ingredients listed above, you can severely decrease your risk of unnecessary health issues.



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